Gil Scott Heron, if you were only alive you'd tell us the sin
That we can't see, because we stand too close to the screen
How Ronald Reagan, the "Star" president said, "Say no to drugs"
And, while we were all shocked about the tax breaks he gave to the rich
He was, delivering those same drugs into poor, Black and Brown neighborhoods
You could tell us about the Private prisons built at that same time
And how the sentance was FIVE TIMES that for crack, as powdered
And while we all thought it was a disgrace, we never thought about
How his party was systematically removing the opposing vote
You could have warned us about the exploits of George HW Bush
And how he continued the Right Wing charade, as he quietly removed elected leaders
Of our Latin American neighbors, only to replace every one of them with
Ruthless Dictators
You wouldn't have held back, sharing their hellbent Ideologies of the destruction of any growing economy. All led by the illustriuos CIA.
Your words would ring true, when you paraded the REAL history of the millions of innocent Iraqis, Afghanis, and who knows what other Islamic people, killed by the Bush family, headed off by the greedy, corrupt, and evil deeds of Dick shoot em in the face Cheny
And never let us forget, how, W's granddaddy Prescott Bush was not only a Nazi sympathizer
He was funding the execution of Jews!
Oh, Gil Scott Heron you'd have had so much to say, about how the Republican party and the Religious Right, became the Taliban of today, how we still fight for Civil Rights,
Even though we've been fighting this fight since the 1860's
You'd have to have an entire new album, to sing about the unlimited, unmitigated, unethical escapades of 45, the unhinged grabber of the hoo ha. You'd start with his racist lawsuits filed against him in 1973. And you'd do your magic, about his unfounded, unsubstantiated insistance on the execution of the Central Park 5, who, in fact, were proclaimed innocent. Or his ruthless, endless, mindless attacks on the citizenship of America's first Black president and so much more. You would've had so much to say, about so many crimes, that he explains away as "nothing" or "Fake news" and how he's mastered the art of being the ultimate victim. You'd describe his orange face, in a way we could all see when we closed our eyes. If you could only tell the world, how he stacked the Supreme Court with Federalists, who overturned Roe V Wade, a 50 year Prescedent in the USA, as I, recolect.
How voter suppression, removing thousands from the voter roles, and doing anything they can, to keep the masses from being heard, is the one and only mission of the GOP. If you could tell us about the MAGA cult and their Insurection, and how it was orchestrated, initiated and implemented by those, fooled ito believing their "god," a Megalomaniac charlatan who couldn't even hold his own bowels.,
I could hear you now, enraged that he danced around in front of the world like a puppet in Helsinki and sang the song of Putin, our, Nuclear Enemy. As he blatantly told the world, that America's 17 Security Agencies, all got it wrong. And how 'very good people,' marched with faces covered, yelling, 'Jews will not replace us.'
I could almost hear you laughung at how his MAGGOTS defended his crimes, even if they were his victims. And how they willingly let him throw them under the bus!